Sarawak Link

 1. Naim

 2. CMSB

 3. HSL

 4. Dayang

 5. Leader

 6. Weida

Favourite Sector: Oil & Gas

 1. Kencana

 2. EPIC

 3. Deleum

 3. Dialog

 4. SapCres

 5. KNM

 6. Dayang

 7. Scomi

 8. SAAG

 9. WaSeong

 10. Naim

 11. Petra

 12. Perisai

 3. EPIC

Favourite Sector: Steels

 1. SSteel

 2. CSCStel

 3. Ann Joo

 4. Kinsteel

 5. Masteel

 6. Pewajar

 7. LionCor

 8. Hua-an

 9. HiapTek

Appreciation Notice

谢谢来到这个部落的股友,除了感谢你们的到访以外,也谢谢你们看了和按了广告,让健忘有些额外的小收入。这真是一项让健忘继续前进的 鼓励。因此,凡有落足和连线通知的,健忘都会尽我所能回访的。谢谢~

I am really appreciated friends and visitors who visiting my blog and read the advertisement with a couple of clicks, since the blog been set-up. I shall take this as an encouragement to my updates, anyhow, as long as a statement left in my chatbox, I will try my best to pay a visit back to your blog as well. Thanks for coming~ !

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